Have a question about Chockoyotte Country Club? We have a small list of frequently asked questions that can help!
How do I obtain an application for Membership to Chockoyotte Country Club?
Membership to Chockoyotte Country Club is available only through sponsorship by a current Member in good standing. You can only obtain an application from a sponsor.
Are corporate memberships available?
Membership to Chockoyotte Country Club is available on an individual basis only. All Member accounts shall be in the name of the individual Member.
Are guests allowed in Chockoyotte Country Club?
Members are allowed to bring guests with them while using Chockoyotte Country Club. Guests to Chockoyotte Country Club in the absence of the Member must obtain a guest card. There are limits to guest privileges that are outlined in the Chockoyotte Country Club By-Laws.
How long does it take to be approved for Membership?
The Membership process varies depending on the number of openings and the number of pending applications on the waiting list
Can my company have meetings at Chockoyotte Country Club?
Yes, Chockoyotte Country Club is equipped to handle all types and sizes of business breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, and meetings. However, the billing for the function is through the individual Member’s account.